Assistant Head Coach, Sans Souci - Off The Blocks Swimming Academy

3 days ago Australia
Application Deadline - 17th Mar 2025 @ 12:00 am (GMT)

It is with great pleasure that we open applications for the position of  Assistant Head Coach with Off The Blocks Swimming Academy at  Sans Souci Leisure Centre, on a full time basis (38 hours per week) with a salary of $65,000 per year, plus super.

This is a fantastic opportunity to join one of the area's fastest growing squad programs, with a strong junior athlete base, National age/elite athlete program, successful and hugley supportive swim club in Sans Souci Sea Devils, as well as join our Off The Blocks coaching team.

The role of Assistant Head Coach of Off The Blocks Swimming Academy at Sans Souci Leisure Centre is to work closely with our Head Coach in programming and planning for many of our squads, as well as assisting with Gold Squad sessions where needed. From session programming to long term planning, the role of the Assistant Head Coach is to have a vision of where they see their squads in the future and in consultation with the Head Coach, build systems and programs around that vision. From team bonding trips, training camps, swim meets, and showing a clear plan for the squads and the individual junior athletes within them.

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